For people who aren't having issues starting today, January 12, 2021, feel free to use the site until that changes for you. Anyone else that is being affected by the flash blocking, I'll be doing some looking into it and posting it on the discord. However, I don't have the time nor potentially the means to fix this site to work with html5, so this looks like the end. Thank you all for your support through the years, it has been one of the coolest things ever having this website, but all good things must end sometime. For future work, I'll be posting on my Youtube channel, and I might try to figure out something to do with the discord, but that's the plan for now. Thanks everyone.
This website is just for people to play flash games to their computer. My school blocked this site back in 2017, so I stopped updating it, but the same doesn't have to happen to your school as long as you hide the use of the site. Too many people at my school used this site in front of teachers, faculty, and even the principal saw people playing it, and they caught on. Be smart and this will stay available to you.
NOTICE: If your computer starts saying that the wifi isn't working while using this website, try restarting your computer.