Mobile Website Betatesting

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Steps to Distribute an iOS App using a Website

  • Project Winter is an 8 person multiplayer game focusing on social deception and survival. Communication and teamwork is essential to the survivors' ultimate goal of escape.
  • Try My UI is one of the popular website testing companies, but this one also has app testing opportunities available. Each test takes about 20 minutes, and you’ll get paid a flat $10, so there’s no guesswork involved here. You know exactly what you’ll make for every test!

One of the challenges that exist in an iOS dev shop, is how to distribute your app to devices for Beta testing. The Ad-hoc process that Apple supplies for creating an app for distribution is well documented. But how do we actually get the app on to our devices for beta testing. Wouldn’t it be great if we could just compile our app and put the app out on a website, then someone using an iOS device could just go to the website and install the app with a tap on a link. Best of all when ever you have a new version of the app you can just upload the app to the website and the users can just reinstall. Here I’m going to show you how to do it. It should take 10 minutes from start to finish.

Overall Process

  • Get the UDID from new device using iTunes
  • Add the device to portal
  • Create a distribution profile
  • Add the device to the distribution profile
  • Synch Xcode to bring in the new profile
  • Code sign your app with the new profile
  • Build the app for archive, create the app for distribution
  • Move the app, manifest file, profile to a website (code is included below)
  • Create a link on a website pointing to app
  • Give the URL out to users
  • User goes to website with a device and installs the app by tapping on link

The site states that those who find major technical bugs while they test apps can earn even more money, since this is what helps developers the most. You can choose from the list of tests available which ones you want to do, so the work is flexible. Test Birds pays directly to your bank account or to PayPal.

Identify the UDID of the device

Open up iTunes, connect device, click on summary, click on serial number and the UDID will show up. Use the mouse to copy this. It is a long string.

Add the New Device to the Portal

Go to the website and go to the provisioning profile. Click on Devices. Click on Add Device.

Add each device under the iOS provisioning portal

Add the UDID and Name

Paste the UDID that you copied from the device and type in a name. Do this for each device that you want to register.

Create a New Distribution profile

You can edit an existing profile and then add the devices to the existing profile, but for this process I’m going to create a new profile. Note that I’m using the distribution tab of the provisioning profile setup.

I’m assuming that your development environment has a valid certificate. If your development profile in the organizer is showing “valid signing identity not found” then go to the website and follow the instructions for creating a valid certificate. You must create a certificate from the computer that you want to run or download from an existing on that has been setup. Note: Make sure that you only have one certificate in the keychain access.

Add a new profile.

Identify the devices for the profile

Mobile Website Betatesting

In the new profile, enter a name, the app ID, and then devices. These are the devices that you want to have access to your app. You only have 100 total devices per year per developer profile. Submit and the go to Xcode, and from the organizer synch and the profile will brought in.

Give name to archive and code sign

Click on the Scheme then click on edit the scheme, assign a name, push ok

Assign a name to your archive.

Go to the build settings, filter by code sign

Then Rebuild for Archive under the product menu. This will create an .ipa file.

Go to the Organizer/Archives click on the archive you created, click button DISTRIBUTE

Open Organizer to see the archives.

Mobile Website Beta Testing Sites

Click on Ad-Hoc Distribution

Choose on the distribution profile to include

Pick Distribution Profile

Save File

Create a simple website

Here is a simple website, with all contents that will enable a user to click a link.

Contents of your IPA app website.

Mobile Website Beta Testing Software


Website Code

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC'-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN'''>
<meta http-equiv='Content-Type'content='text/html; charset=utf-8'/>
&lt;ahref='itms-services://?action=download-manifest&amp;url=<strong></strong>'&gt;&lt;font size='+4'&gt;Install the App&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/a&gt;

Plist File (use text wrangler to edit)

Mobile Website BetatestingBetatesting
&lt;!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC'-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN'''&gt;
&lt;!--software-package:the ipa toinstall.--&gt;
&lt;!--required.the asset kind.--&gt;
&lt;!--required.the URL of the file todownload.--&gt;
&lt;!--required.the title todisplay during the download.--&gt;
&lt;string&gt;iOS Test App&lt;/string&gt;

Mobile Website Beta Testing Laboratories

Send out an email with url

If the user clicks on the link the app will be installed

Mobile Website Beta Testing Tool


Happy Customers

  • 'BetaTesting was an important part of emberlight's product validation strategy before we launched on Kickstarter. By seeing instant traction and interacting with early adopters, we felt confident in moving forward.'

  • 'BetaTesting testers are smart, creative and eager to discover new products. They will get to the essence of your tool in no time and give you quality feedback enough to shape your roadmap for well into the future.'

  • 'Not only did we get a lot of support and assistance when launching our early access program, but the results were fantastic. We would recommend BetaTesting to anyone who is at the stage of launching their next company or product.'

    Johan Malmberg

    Head of Business Development, HotJar Insights

  • 'BetaTesting was great for us to get a critical mass of early trial users [for UbiMeet]. The campaign helped us discover some significant bugs early on, as the testers were invested enough to let us know about problems and work through them with us.'

    Andrea Hill

    Manager of Innovation Strategy, ReadyTalk

  • 'BetaTesting has been a huge asset when doing market research on apps that we are preparing to market. The BetaTesting team has been great at suggesting survey types, and quick to respond when we have questions about the process.'

  • 'BetaTesting played a key role at a critical time. We wanted to know whether we were ready to scale and, if not, why not. The feedback gave us the greenlight to push ahead with scaling, fix one or two bugs and plan our next feature releases.'