Insert the CAC in the reader. Verify the card reader is successfully recognizing the CAC by checking that an “Identity Device” is listed in the Device Manager under “Smart cards” as shown below. If it is, your CAC may be PIV-II compliant. If your CAC is not PIV-II-compliant, the smart card will show up. Installation of NDU's DoD Root CA Configuration Profile; Administrator rights to install software; and, A CCID compatible smart card reader.NOTE: Most CCID readers will automatically be detected by the TokenD software, however some readers may require additional drivers. Check with the manufacturer for any required MacOS drivers. ID Card for military family members and military retirees to access service benefits and privileges. Beginning July 31, 2020, the Next Generation USID Card will be issued to eligible individuals at select DoD ID card facilities. DD Form 1172-2, 'Application for Identification Card/DEERS Enrollment' (56k, PDF) Instructions for DD Form 1172-2 (433k, PDF) This form is used to enroll in DEERS and is most often used to enroll dependents of Service members. Just completed a fresh install of Big Sur on my early 2015 MacBook Air, and am now trying to use my CAC card to access DoD websites as I did previously. I've loaded the DoD certificates, but the CAC hasn't paired, and I don't know how to kick off that process (it happened automatically in Catalina).
Here are the steps on how to install a CAC Reader for Mac:- Ensure your CAC reader works with Mac
- Check to ensure your Mac accepts the reader
- Check your Mac OS version
- Check your CAC’s version
- Update your DOD certificates
- Guidance for Firefox Users
- Look at graphs to see which CAC enabler to use
Step 1: Purchase a Mac Friendly CAC Reader
Purchase a CAC reader that works for your Mac. There are only a couple that you can choose from and I’ve listed them below.
If you already have a CAC reader and it isn’t Mac friendly, you could update the firmware, however, for the non-tech savvy people out there, it’s probably better to just purchase a new one and save the headache – they’re only ~$11-13 dollars.
Best Mac Compatible CAC USB Readers
Best Mac Compatible CAC Desk Readers
Step 2: Plug in and Ensure It’s Accepted
Once you have your CAC reader, plug it into your Mac and ensure your computer recognizes it. If you have one of the CAC readers we suggested above, then you should be good to go.
If for some reason your CAC reader isn’t working, you may need to download the appropriate drivers for your CAC reader. You can find these drivers on the Reader’s Manufacturer Website.
Step 3: Update Your DOD Certificates
Now that you have your CAC reader connected and accepted on your Mac computer, it’s time to ensure you have the right certificates in order to access DOD CAC required web pages.
Procedure for Chrome and Safari
- Type ⇧⌘U (Shift + Command + U) to access your Utilities
- Find and Double click “Keychain Access”
- Select “Login” and “All Items”
- Download the following five files and double click each once downloaded so as to install in your Keychain Access.
- When you double-click the Mac Root Cert 3 and 4, you’ll need to tell your browser to always trust them. Click the button like you see below:
Additional Steps for Firefox
If you’re using Mozilla Firefox as your primary browser, you’re going to need to perform some additional steps. First, perform the same steps that you did for Chrome and Safari. Afterwards, follow these additional steps to get started.
*If you’re having issues downloading the zip file below, try right clicking the link and opening the file in a new tab.
- Download All Certs zip and double click to unzip all 39 files
- While in Firefox, click “Firefox” on the top left, then “Preferences”
- Then Click “Advanced” > “Certificates” > “View Certificates”
- Then Click “Authorities” and then “Import”
- Import each file individually from the “AllCerts” folder. When you do this, the below box will popup. Check all three boxes and click “OK”
Step 4: Download and install CAC Enabler
Choosing the right CAC enabler can be pretty tricky. It all depends on what OS you have installed, how you installed it, and even what kind of CAC Card you have!
In order to get the right enabler, be sure to visit our trusty guide to Mac CAC Enablers! It’ll walk you through exactly which enabler is right for you.
CAC Access at Home Success
Now that you have a CAC reader, certificates, and a CAC Enabler, you should now be able to access any CAC-enabled website and log on using your CAC password and data.
Common Reasons Why Your CAC Card Won’t Work On Your Mac
Ensure Your CAC Card Meets the Standards: In order for your CAC card to work, it must meet the minimal requirements. Currently, there are only four types of CAC cards that can be used. The ensure you have the right CAC card for online access, flip your CAC card to the back and if you have one of the below numbers written on the top left, then you are good to go:
- G&D FIPS 201 SCE 3.2
- Oberthur ID one 128 v5.5 Dual
If you do not have any of the above written on the back, then proceed to your nearest PSD to get a new CAC card issued.
The Saicoo CAC Card reader V2 is one of the most reliable of the CAC card readers. Many military personnel already use this card reader since many commands carry them and use them for portable computers.
That being said, this is not a permanent placement type CAC reader as compared to others in the industry. It doesn’t have a strong stand like permanent fixtures and includes a long wire which can become a hassle.
However, it’s my personal belief that CAC readers like the Saicoo CAC Card reader V2 are sort of the best of both worlds in that it can sit prominently on your desk but is easy to pick up and go if need be.
Positives About the Saicoo CAC Card reader V2
- Entire Card Held By Reader – Protects Against Loss
Negatives About the Saicoo CAC Card reader V2
- Dimmer than expected activity light
Frequently Asked Questions About Saicoo CAC Card reader V2
Although Saicoo CAC Card reader V2 is one of the most prominently used CAC readers, there are still some very important questions to be answered so as to make sure it will allow you to use it with your system without the hassle.
Dod Cac Card Reader Software Download
What is It Compatible with?
Saicoo CAC Card reader V2 works on Windows, Mac, and Linux. However, depending on the level of your operating systems, you many need to install a driver. To use your CAC with your computer, you’ll still need to download the appropriate drivers (in some cases) as well as the necessary DOD certificates.
Cac Card Reader Setup For Mac
Do I need to Install a Driver for this to Use with My CAC?
Normally, no, so long as your computer has an updated operating system, drivers should be able to recognize the CAC reader. If you do have to install or update your drivers, this article will help you do just that. There are a couple of reviews on Amazon that state that the CAC reader didn’t work for them, and I strongly believe this was because the person didn’t have the right certs or drivers in place.